Mainframe Studios is a Canadian animation studio based in Vancouver, Canada, known for making the first CGI-animated TV series ReBoot and responsible for the majority of the entries in the Barbie direct-to-video film series. Barbie's owner, Mattel, partnered with them when they were originally known as Mainframe Entertainment for the production of the first entry, Barbie in the Nutcracker, which released in 2001. Since then, the partnership has blossomed.
The studio changed name to Rainmaker Animation in 2007 after it was acquired by Los-Angeles-based Rainmaker Income Fund. The name was only present in the opening credits of Barbie as The Island Princess. From Barbie: Mariposa until Barbie: Video Game Hero, they were known as Rainmaker Entertainment. The "Mainframe Entertainment" banner would be revived by Rainmaker in 2013 for its television productions whiles Rainmaker remained with the films. Rainmaker changed the "Entertainment" part of their name and Mainframe's to "Studios" after acquiring Frederator Studios and Erzin-Hirsh Entertainment and consolidating them under a new holding company called WOW! Unlimited Media. In 2020, Mainframe Studios announced that they would be retiring the "Rainmaker Studios" banner and returning to their original name whiles keeping the "Studios" part.[1]