The Great Gala is an event in Barbie: Star Light Adventure to welcome the team. The event happens two times in the movie, once when King Constantine introduces and welcomes the team, and the other time when the team celebrates their success.
The First Great Gala[]
The team arrives and is invited to the Great Gala, hosted by King Constantine. Artemis announces the names, first Barbie. Everyone waits and expects her to arrive, but is late. She tries to walk away and hide at first, but is then pushed forward. She walks and bows to the king with a smile, but when he doesn't react, she walks away, sad. Artemis calls Sheena and Kareena while Barbie stands next to Prince Leo. Leo tells her that he saw her in the Galactic Play-Off and thought that she was a princess. Barbie tells him she isn't royalty. Then, Artemis calls Prince Leo, and he walks and bows to the king. Barbie thinks she doesn't belong there, so Leo comforts her. Then, Artemis calls Sal-Lee, and she comes on her hover board and bows to the king. The king stands up and claps with everyone for her. Barbie was excited to see her, as she admires her skills. After introducing the team, it was dinner time. Barbie meets Sal-Lee and admires her. Sheena and Kareena go up to Barbie and admire her dress, addressing it as "cosmic." They went to the table, where Sheena and Kareena were sitting far from each other, according to the seating. Barbie uses her powers to change the seating so that Sheena and Kareena could sit together. Barbie sits next to Leo, and he says that whenever their is a boring dinner party at his palace, he will invite her there for a magic show. When they are having dinner, Pupcorn comes running to Barbie. Leo and Sal-Lee tell her about the king's zoo, the biggest in the galaxy, full of exotic animals and warn her that Pupcorn might be the next. The king tells them now is the time to dance, and Sheena, Kareena and Barbie were bored. Sal-Lee took Leo to the dance but goes away as he couldn't dance to the beat. Barbie notices and dances with him. But when still he couldn't, she taps her feet and claps, asking him to feel the beat. Everyone seems and dances like them, and the song changes. The king gets mad at Barbie for breaking the rules, and Barbie gets sad.
The Final Great Gala[]
After restoration of the stars, the king hosts another gala. Barbie and Sal-Lee run in the corridors, as they were late. They open the gate, and everyone cheers. Sal-Lee says that they're cheering for Barbie, but she tells her that they're cheering for them. Pupcorn, who had finally turned into a cat, runs up to Barbie's Dad. Barbie sees him and hugs him. He spins her around and tells her he's proud of his Starlight. He doesn't know if he should call her "Princess Starlight" or not, but Barbie says that she wasn't ready for it, the king suddenly announced it. The king talks to Barbie and says the kingdom will be glad if she stays on Opa-Irri, but she would like to but couldn't. Barbie asks him to dance, but the king says how could he. Then she tells him Leo too can dance. Everyone then dances to the music.