Barbie Movies Wiki

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Barbie Movies Wiki

Elina, Lumina, Shimmer, Sunburst, Linden and Glee opening the blush.

The Flight of Spring is a performance of Luminescence, Flance and Water Magic performed by the Guardian's of Fairytopia every year to make sure they have the beautiful springs.



Glee performing water magic

A section of the movie where the apprentices have to save the blush from Laverna. The Guardians were poisoned by Laverna while she was a toad and they were unable to perform the Flight. Instead their apprentices were picked to perform it and The Enchantress trained them until they were ready to perform.

Laverna , the Fairy Witch, was ready to sabotage the Flight of Spring and become the Queen of Fairytopia, so she disguised herself as Sunburst , the Sparkle Fairy, in order to make her way to the blush, so she could blackmail The Enchantress into handing over the throne of Fairytopia to her and trapping her inside a spell chamber when all her powers would be useless.

It was up to Elina to save Fairytopia, so she flew away to find the real Sunburst before it was to late, accompanied by Bibble and Dizzle , the two puffballs, they set out into the forest only to find Sunburst trapped, unconscious, inside a spell chamber, note that it was underwater so all her powers would be useless, too.

Once freed from the chamber, Sunburst had gained consciousness as soon as Elina had grabbed her hand and pulled her out, Sunburst was placed on the ground by an out of breath Elina. She then tried to explain to Elina what Laverna had done to her, Elina explained she already knew and told Sunburst it was worse than she thought, as Sunburst gave a worried look, Elina took her hand and they were fluttering quickly back to the Flight.

The others, not knowing what on earth was happening, were continuing on with the Flight, Linden being the only one who knew Elina was missing, began doing Luminescence, only to find Elina coming back with the real Sunburst and pointing out that the other Sunburst was Laverna. Laverna then revealed that she was not Sunburst and that she was her.
