Scene 1 (Narration)[]
Narrator Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy... the stars would twinkle and twirl in the sky... keeping the galaxy in bright harmony with their light... but an ancient prophecy told of a time when the harmony would be broken. The stars and planets would slow their dance, and disappear... leaving a galaxy of darkness. Yet, there was hope... as the prophecy also foretold of one who could also restore harmony to the stars. One with the heart of a leader. [Music stops with a record scratch as King Constantine looks at the camera.] Mm, not him. [A robot is shown painting the king, who is posing as he sits on a throne.] Or him... but try telling a king that. Even though the king had tried—and failed many times over—he was certain he was the one who would return the stars to their shimmering glory. He just needed a little help... [The king nods at the robot, wo then begins processing something] so he recruited a team with special skills to join a mission to save the stars.
[A machine is sent to Barbie's planet, Opa-Irri.]
Scene 2 (Hoverboarding)[]
[On Opa-Irri, forest animals make noises. Barbie taps a tree trunk to make a beat as "This Feeling Is Everything" plays. She sings as she runs and interacts with forest creatures.]
Barbie: It may seem like you're crazy
When you see something
That no one else sees
But maybe what they think won't really matter too much to me
You can make magic, shake the trees and make the mountains move
So can you feel it all around? Hear the sound?
Got me up and I don't think I'm coming down, hey, hey
It's something in the air
Can't see it but it is there
It's the boom boom beat in my heart
I don't know where it ends but I know where it starts
[Barbie stops singing and jumps on her hoverboard
There is no dream that I can't reach
Because everything's an opportunity
To make something from nothing
This feeling is everything
It's everything to me
So can you feel it all around? Hear the sound?
Got me up and I don't think I'm coming down, hey, hey
So can you feel it all around? Hear the sound?
Got me up and I don't think I'm coming down, hey, hey
It's the boom boom beat in my heart
I don't know where it ends
But I know where it starts [Barbie sees a bird struggling to fly, so she helps it.]
It's the boom boom beat in my heart
I don't know where it ends
But I know where it starts
There is no dream that I can't reach [Barbie's hoverboard malfunctions, and the engine splutters.]
Barbie: Oh! [The hoverboard falls and Barbie falls with it] Woah! [She grunts as she lands on a large leaf.] Okay, little accident... [The hoverboard powers down. Barbie stands up and almost loses her balance.] Oh! [She scoffs when she sees her hoverboard is on a tree branch in the distance] Whoa... All right, come here, you. Focus. [Barbie hums and focuses, making the hoverboard float to her.] Gotcha! Let's see what we got here. Gunk in the power boosters. Go figure. I'll have that fixed in a nanosecond. [She grunts as she fixes it] There, that did the trick. Good as new. [Barbie's watch beeps.] Whoa, how did it get so late? [Barbie gets on the hoverboard and goes home.]
Scene 3 (Barbie's House)[]
Pupcorn: (babbling)
Barbie: Pupcorn! I missed you too. Ha, ha. Come, Pupcorn, this way. Dad.
Barbie's Dad: You're--
Barbie: --Late. Sorry, Dad. You won't believe what happened.
Pupcorn: (babbling)
Barbie: (chuckles) Come, Pupcorn, good boy. And I'm not just using it as an excuse for being late.
Barbie's Dad: Mm-hm.
Barbie: No, really! I was flying with a flock of Ava-Grun, when I saw a baby on its own and I went back to help, but then its mom and dad came over and they were not happy to see me--
Barbie's Dad: Barbie, take a breath. You do know that Ava-Grun never leave their young behind?
Barbie: Yeah, I just thought-- Guess maybe I didn't think.
Barbie's Dad: No. But your heart was in the right place. As usual.
Barbie: Thanks Dad.
Pupcorn: (babbling)
Barbie: (chuckles) Come, Pupcorn. Good boy. Fetch. You think Pupcorn's gonna transform into a dog?
Barbie's Dad: Hard to say. One day they just pop... and you get what you get.
Barbie: Hey, buddy, come here. Whatever you become, you'll always be my little buddy. No go play, I've got work to do. Ah.
Barbie's Dad: Here, little birdies. Feeding time. Hmm, they never show up when I try to feed them.
Barbie: Need some help? (hums) Pupcorn, I can't play right now. Ha, ha. Okay, Pupcorn.
Barbie's Dad: Focus, Barbie. Focus.
Barbie: Okay. I'll try again. Focus. (hums) So how did I do? Oh.
Barbie's Dad: Well, uh, hmm... (both chuckle) Next time, see if you can tune out the noise. Whoa. Whoa. Hey.
Barbie: So why did we move here again?
Barbie's Dad: Your mom and I moved here before you were born because we wanted to raise our family in a quieter place.
(animal noises)
Barbie: (laughs) Heh, that's what I thought.
Barbie's Dad: Ha, ha. (sighs) You know, the only other person the animals responded to like that was your mother.
Barbie: Really? (animal purrs) Aw, aren't you cute?
Barbie's Dad: Hmm. Huh? Hmm, Barbie, I'll--
Barbie: Ha-ha-ha. Whoa!
Barbie's Dad: Barbie, I'll see you back at home. Don't be later for dinner.
Barbie: Okay. (laughs) Great training session, huh, Pupcorn? I was on fire.
Pupcorn: (squeaks)
Barbie: I know, right? Dad said I was an "untapped resource." If I would just learn to focus... (machine beeping) What?
Barbie's Dad: Barbie. I just got a message from the palace. The king has chosen a group to help with his mission to reset the stars.
Barbie: Dad, that's amazing, he wants you?
Barbie's Dad: No. He's looking for young people with special skills. He needs two skilled hoverboarders. His council picked you.
Barbie: Me?
Barbie's Dad: Yes, and why not? You made quite a name for yourself at the galactic playoffs last year. The king's scouts must have seen how agile you are on your hoverboard.
Barbie: (stammers) Who's the other boarder?
Barbie's Dad: Let's see, uh... it's Sal-Lee of Upper Plope.
Barbie: Sal-Lee of Upper Plope? That's amazing. That's crazy. I've hardly ever left Para-Den.
Barbie's Dad: I thought you'd jump at the chance to see more of the galaxy.
Barbie: And who am I compared to Sal-Lee? And besides, who would take care of you? And the animals on the preserve? And Pupcorn? Do I have a choice?
Pupcorn: (sighs)
Barbie's Dad: Heh, we'll be fine, but it's your decision. Nice looking salad. Would you pass the space ranch, please?
Barbie: Maybe the stars are forgetting.
Barbie's Dad: Forgetting what?
Barbie: How to dance.
Barbie's Dad: Your mother used to say the stars were slowing down because people were forgetting to look up. Everyone was too busy and the stars had no one to dance with anymore. According to the prophecy, someone special is out there who can fix them. Maybe it's the king, but maybe he needs help.
Barbie: Imagine a world without stars, Pupcorn. (music playing)
Barbie's Dad: You know, the night you were born... there was the most beautiful star shower. The sky was alive with stars, swirling and spinning... like they were dancing for you.
Barbie: Really?
Barbie's Dad: I've never seen anything like it. That's why your mother called you her little starlight.
Barbie: It's scary, Dad. I'm scared.
Barbie's Dad: Your mom would have said, "Listen to your heart for--"
Barbie: I have, but how can I help? I mean--
Barbie's Dad: If you'd let me finish. Your mother would have said, "Listen to your heart for the answer and follow it to the end." Everything comes from the heart... courage, leadership, and hope. Do this, and you'll never go wrong. (clears throat) Something like that.
Barbie: Or exactly like that. Thank you, Dad.
Barbie's Dad: Don't stay up too late.
Barbie's Mother: (singing) When you don't know where to go
And you're feeling all alone
Look inside yourself
You're so much more than you know
You can be anything you want
If you believe in who you are
You'll light up the whole world
You're shining so bright
Anything is possible
When you look into your heart
Oh, oh, oh, oh
You're a shooting star
Barbie: (singing) I can be anything I dream
Live the life that's made for me
I'll light up the whole world
I'll be shining so bright
Anything is possible
When I look into my heart
Oh, oh, oh
I'm a shooting star
Oh, oh
I'm a shooting star
Barbie: Definitely not on Para-Den anymore. Dad, I'll be fine.
Barbie's Dad: Let's go get your luggage.
Barbie: Uh, I-- Oh. Mm.
Barbie's Dad: I packed a little something extra in your suitcase.
Barbie: Oh.
Barbie's Dad: Don't worry, I didn't see anything. Least of all a ball of fur who probably really needs a drink of water right now.
Pupcorn: (squeaking)
Barbie's Dad: And I have a little something for you also.
Barbie: Wow. Uh, I...
Barbie's Dad: Figured you could use a new one, that wasn't clogged with feathers.
Barbie: Oh, Dad, I love you.
Barbie's Dad: I'm gonna miss you.
Barbie: I'll miss you too.
Robot: Is this yours? Is this yours?
Pupcorn: (laughs)
Barbie: Um, yes. Thank you.
Robot: Please keep an eye on pets at all times.
Barbie: I know you need to get back home.
Barbie's Dad: And I know you need to get started on saving the galaxy. Try not to grow up before I see you again. I'd hate to miss the transformation. That goes for the both of you. Good luck, my little starlight.
Barbie: Um, hello, how are you?
All: Sal-Lee. Sal-Lee. (cheering)
Announcer: (over speaker) All volunteers report to their chambers.
Barbie: Unh. Ow. What? Wow. (door beeping) Hmm? Oh, the door won't open. How about this? This? Um...
Pink-haired Sprite: Welcome.
Barbie: Huh?
Pink-haired Sprite: Welcome to Oppa-Irri.
Purple-haired Sprite: Shoo.
Pink-haired Sprite: You're invited to the Great Gala tonight. Here is your identification.
Barbie: Huh?
Pink-haired Sprite: Confirmed!
Barbie: Okay. What's, um--?
Purple-haired Sprite: The Great Gala will take place in our Grand Ballroom.
Purple-haired Sprite: Here.
Pink-haired Sprite: You are here. This map...
Purple-haired Sprite: Will show you the directions to the ballroom.
Barbie: Okay.
Pink-haired Sprite: This castle is run under regulations of the king.
Purple-haired Sprite: So there are rules you'll need to follow.
Pink-haired Sprite: First, no running in the hall under any circumstances.
Purple-haired Sprite: And second...
Pink-haired Sprite: Don't...
Purple-haired Sprite: Be...
Pink-haired Sprite: Late!
Barbie: (sighs)
Purple-haired Sprite: You're not wearing that to the ball, are you?
Barbie: (sighs) Ah. That was a lot to take in, wasn't it, Pupcorn? Hmm, maybe I should change. Hmm? Ha, ha. Paper.
Barbie's Dad: Barbie, your mother wanted you to have this. I've been saving it for a special occasion and I think this is it.
Barbie: Wow. Dad, you think of everything. It's beautiful. It's too big. Amazing. This dress is beautiful. Hmm, it needs one more thing. My mother's locket.
(triumphant music)
Barbie: (gasps)
Robot Leech: (over speaker) And now we present the volunteers from around the galaxy.
Barbie: I'm going to be late!
Robot Leech: (over speaker) Our last hope at saving the stars.
Barbie: You stay here, Pupcorn. I'll be back.
Robot Leech: (over speaker) I'm Robot Leech, your host for tonight's festivities.
Barbie: No running. No running. No running. Oh!
Pupcorn: (squeaks)
Artemis: I present Jackie-Lou of Lower Van-Tu. Galactic playoff champion, Barbie of Para-Den.
Barbie: (panting)
Artemis: Barbie of Para-Den.
(all gasp)
Barbie: (chuckles)
Man: She's late.
Woman: Oh, my, she's late.
Man 2: I can't believe how late she is.
Barbie: Uh, heh. Unh.
Robot: Name and origin.
Barbie: Uh, Barbie of Para-Den. Ah.
Robot: Barbie of Para-Den.
Barbie: Hey. Unh.
Artemis: Kareena and Sheena of Tagra.
Blue: (telepathically) I can't believe we're really here, ha, ha.
Pink: (telepathically) is so galactically...
Kareena and Sheena: (telepathically) Awesome!
Barbie: (sighs)
Leo: Quite a sight, isn't it?
Barbie: I've never seen the inside of a king's castle before.
Leo: But I thought-- Heh, I mean, you look like a-- Aren't you a princess?
Barbie: Ha, ha. Are you kidding? Me? Do I look like an entitled royal whose only job is to show up and wave? Ha, ha.
Leo: Ha, ha. I don't know, let's see your wave.
Barbie: (laughing and snorting)
Leo: I have never been more wrong.
Barbie: Who are you to judge?
Robot: Presenting Prince Leo of Kumai.
Leo: Oh, that's me.
Woman: Wow, who's that?
Barbie: Hmm. You're royalty.
Leo: Just by birth. But I'm not as proficient at waving as you are.
Robot: Presenting intergalactic gold medallist, Sal-Lee of Upper Plope.
Barbie: Whoa. She's amazing. I've watched her compete for years. I'm nowhere near her level.
Leo: I remember seeing you at the playoffs. Relax, you belong here.
King Constantine: I am honored to welcome you to my castle. To thank you all for volunteering, we have prepared a celebration. But remember, your training starts tomorrow.
Leo: Huh.
Barbie: Whoa.
Robot: Refreshments and bonding to take place at the hors d'oeuvre table.
Man: Over here.
Barbie: Whoa. Oh.
Sal-Lee: Hi.
Barbie: Aah! Hi. I didn't see you there before.
Sal-Lee: Yeah. I'm super-fast. Sal-Lee.
Barbie: I know. I mean, everyone knows. You're famous. I'm babbling, aren't I?
Sal-Lee: Eh, just a little. Uh, Barbie, right?
Barbie: Yes. Nice to meet me. I mean you. Nice to meet you.
Sal-Lee: Yeah, I think we established that, heh.
Blue: Oh...
Pink: My...
Blue: Stars!
Pink: Your dress...
Blue: Is totally...
'Both: Cosmic!
Barbie: Thank you. Have you met--? She was right here.
Sal-Lee: Hey.
Barbie: But how--? Oh, so you move so fast you seem invisible. Impressive you can do it in formal wear.
Sal-Lee: Mm-hm. Takes most people a while to figure that out. Not bad.
Both: Hi.
Pink: I'm Sheena.
Blue: And I'm Kareena.
Pink: We're thrilled...
Blue: To meet you.
Barbie: So, what do you two do?
Both: Us?
Kareena: We have a way with...
Sheena: Gravity.
Barbie: Really? What do you mean?
Sheena: Kareena makes things... light... and I make things... heavy.
Purple-haired Sprite: (shrieks then grumbles)
Pink-haired Sprite: (shrieks)
(all laughing)
Sal-Lee: I'll say it first, impressive.
Sheena: (telepathically) We impressed Sal-Lee.
Barbie: You change color?
Sheena: (telepathically) I just got...
Kareena: (telepathically) Goosebumps!
Barbie: And are you two commmunicating telepathically?
Sheena and Kareena: (gasp)
Barbie: Oh, don't worry. I've spent a lot of time alone with animals on my planet. I can kinda tell when they're communicating without speaking too.
Leo:' How'd you wind up on Para-Den, anyway?
Barbie: My mom wanted to live on a preserve.
Leo: "Wanted?"
Barbie: Before she passed away.
Leo: Uh...
Sal-Lee: Way to ask too many personal questions, Flyboy.
Barbie: It's okay, I was pretty young when it happened. Why did you call him Flyboy?
Sal-Lee: He's the fastest pilot in the kingdom.
Barbie: Huh.
Leo: Heh. And an engineer, fine motor skills and a brain. Double threat, right?
Barbie: And I thought your only talent was waving.
Leo: Ha, ha.
Sal-Lee: Speaking of talent, you're the other hoverboarder, right?
Barbie: Well, yes, not as fast as you, of course. I've only won in regionals.
Robot: Dinner will now be served. Please relocate to the dining area.
Kareena: Whoa.
Sheena: Yeah.
Kareena: Huh? Oh. Ugh.
Sheena: You're so far away.
Kareena: Too far.
Leo: Guess we can wave to each other.
Barbie: Hold on a second. (hums)
Leo: Whoa.
Sheena: Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Kareena: (squeals)
Sheena and Kareena: Together again!
Sheena: You can...
Sheena and Kareena: Move things?
Barbie: Sort of.
Leo: Nice party trick. Remind me to invite you to my next boring palace dinner.
Sal-Lee: Doesn't using your powers for personal gain go against some kind of rule?
Barbie: You mean like going so fast you appear out of nowhere?
Robot: Red, green or periwinkle?
Sheena and Kareena: (gasp)
Sheena: Periwinkle is...
Kareena: Our fave!
Sheena and Kareena: (chuckling)
Robot: Red, green or periwinkle?
Leo: I'm more of a green man, myself.
Robot: Red, green or periwinkle?
Barbie: Uh, red.
Leo: Delicious.
Barbie: (groans then chuckles) Whoa. It's so much better than what I expected.
Sal-Lee: Why? Don't they have food where you come from?
Barbie: Oh. Of course, we do. We have everything you have. Uh... uh...
Sal-Lee: Clearly.
Barbie: Is everyone sarcastic where you come from?
Leo: Uh-oh.
Sal-Lee: What do you think? Yeah, pretty much.
Leo: Really?
Sal-Lee: Would I kid about that? I would... but I'm not.
Pupcorn: (squeaking)
Barbie: Oh, Pupcorn. You're supposed to stay in the room.
Leo: What is that?
Barbie: He's called a Pupcorn. But he just hasn't popped yet. My dad says he could be anything.
Leo: Hey, buddy! You could wind up looking like something in the king's zoo.
Barbie: The king has a zoo?
Sal-Lee: Yeah, the biggest in the galaxy, filled with exotic animals. So watch out, your little Pupcorn could be next.
Barbie: I'd like to see him try!
Pupcorn: (squeaks)
Leo and Sal-Lee: (laugh)
Robot: Now we will begin the dance.
(Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" plays)
Robot: (buzzes)
Barbie: Ugh, how do you dance to a lullaby?
Leo: This is how it's done at the palace. Constantine's way.
Sal-Lee: Let's dance.
Leo: Uh-- Aah! Uh, oh, ha-ha.
Sal-Lee: Ouch.
Leo: Uh, sorry.
Barbie: Can I help?
Leo: Ugh. Sorry, I don't seem to have a sense of rhythm.
Barbie: You're doing fine. You just have to feel the beat. Keep going.
(upbeat dance music playing)
Barbie: Yeah, ha, ha.
Leo: If Constantine could see this, he'd be very... angry.
Barbie: What? Why? This is our party. (music stops) Constantine doesn't make the rules on how to dance!
Constantine: This is not how you dance!
Barbie: But isn't there more than one way to--?
("Waltz of the Flowers" resumes playing)
Constantine: In this castle, I make the rules.
Pupcorn: (whimpers)
Barbie: He hates me.
Barbie's Dad: Barbie. Why would the king hate you? You just got there.
Barbie: Um, I kind of messed up at the dance. I just acted first without thinking again. Why do I always do that?
Barbie's Dad: Remember the time you thought ketchup and sour cream would be good together?
Barbie: Yeah.
Barbie's Dad: Well, I thought it would be disgusting, and indeed it was.
Barbie: Okay. You lost me.
Barbie's Dad: You had an idea and you went for it because you were curious. Not because of what someone else thought. You followed your instincts and now you eat ketchucream on everything. Everyone messes up sometimes, Barbie, but you're there for a reason. Trust yourself and you won't go wrong.
Barbie: Thanks, Dad. Oh, hey! Whoa. I gotta go, Dad.
Barbie's Dad: Ha, ha. Have fun.
Barbie: Wow.
Pupcorn: (squeaks)
Barbie: Sal-Lee! Hi! Hi, Sal-Lee! Hi.
Sal-Lee: Hey. Just so you know, I prefer to train alone. People and... other things are distractions.
Barbie: I know what you mean. Back home, I was always losing focus because of cute animals, right, Pupcorn? But no problem, I can do my own thing then.
Sal-Lee: No, it's cool, I've been at it for a while anyway. I could use the break.
(both laughing)
Barbie: All right! I never would have imagined that stars could disappear. I just want to help fix them. If I can.
Sal-Lee: I came here for the stars as well. When you travel as much as I do, you forget what planet you're on. The stars... the stars were always there. They were the one steady thing in my life. I'll do anything to bring them back. (watch beeps. Sal-Lee sighs) I think it's time to call it a night. We've got a long day ahead of us.
(alarm wailing)
Pupcorn: (whines)
Barbie: (gasps)
Constantine: I've called upon all of you because you are the best at what you do. This mission will require you all to be at your best. It will take strength, determination, focus...
Leo: You missed breakfast.
Constantine: ...and most of all... being punctual. Artemis, proceed.
Artemis: As you all know, our galaxy has fallen out of step with the universe. According to the prophecy, if we do not get the stars to dance again, they will stop and disappear. Which would be bad.
Barbie: (gasps)
Constantine: The good news is I have a plan that will lead us to victory. I must gain access to the heart of the galaxy on the central planet. Since there are many obstacles in the way, I will need you for the journey. Leo will pilot the dangerous route to the central planet. Where Sal-Lee and Barbie will fly Sheena and Kareena through the orb fields... so they may clear the way to reach the heart of the galaxy, and I will save us all. This machine... is my Stat-o-Tron. It will create a high-voltage energy grid, which will shock the stars back to order.
Barbie: Oh, no. That's not gonna work.
Constantine: You will be required to perform strenuous training exercises, including sparring, balance tests...
Leo: I wonder if he's going to talk right through lunch?
Constantine: Leo, Barbie, thank you for volunterring for a warm-up match.
Barbie: Huh?
Leo: What? I am so sorry.
Constantine: This challenge will test your defensive abilities, reflexes and agility. It will end when one of you is completely subdued, or one of you falls out of the designated area.
Leo: Uh... (groans)
Constantine: Begin!
Leo: Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you.
Barbie: Oh, yeah?
Leo: (groans)
Barbie: I had a lot of time to train on Para-Den.
Sheena and Kareena: Go, Barbie!
Barbie: (yells)
Constantine: That's enough.
Sheena and Kareena: That was astro-amazing.
Constantine: Leo, you will be sitting out the next test. As for the rest of you, the real test begins now. I personally designed this course to train you for this mission. Artemis!
Leo: (gasps)
Artemis: We are on a course designed for hoverboard races. Another competition?
Sal-Lee: Ha. One I'm going to win.
Artemis: It will make use of not only your hoverboarding skills, but Sheena and Kareena's manipulation of gravity.
Sheena and Kareena: Huh? Um...
Artemis: This course will mimic the challenges you will face on the central planet. Super gravity and anti-gravity zones, astroid mazes and gravity-defying orb fields.
Constantine: Now we'll really find out who the best hoverboarder is.
Artemis: Ready...
Sal-Lee: Let's do this.
Artemis: Set... go.
Barbie: (to Kareena) You doing all right back there?
Sal-Lee: (to Sheena) Hang on tight and follow my lead. Huh, I've crushed tracks harder than this when I was 5.
Barbie: (to Kareena) Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy one.
Sal-Lee: Huh? Whoa.
Barbie: Whoa.
Kareena: Anti-gravity zone. Sheena could totally control this with her gravity powers.
Sal-Lee: Sheena, time to work your magic.
Sheena: On it. Super gravity zone.
Sal-Lee: Ugh. Have you got any magic for this one?
Sheena: Wrong twin.
Barbie: Kareena.
Kareena: Way ahead of you, Barbie,
Sal-Lee: Ugh, come on.
Barbie: Woohoo!
Leo: Whoo!
Sal-Lee: If we can't get past them, we'll go over them.
Barbie: Wow.
Leo: Wow.
Sal-Lee: That's right.
Kareena: We can't keep...
Barbie: Whoa.
Kareena: (yells) ...this up much longer.
Barbie: Whoa. hang on, I have an idea.
Barbie and Kareena: Sal-Lee!
Barbie: Let's work together!
Sal-Lee: Work together?
(Sheena shrieks)
Barbie: With both Sheena and Kareena, the rest of this course will be a breeze.
Kareena: Sheena, behind you!
Sal-Lee: Ha. Not bad!
Kareena: Nice job, Sheena.
Sal-Lee: All right, let's do this.
Sheena and Kareena: Go team, go!
Leo: Yes!
Barbie: Woohoo!
Sal-Lee: Sheena?
Kareena: Sheena?!
Barbie: Sal-Lee, we're going to throw Kareena!
Kareena: Throw me?!
Barbie: Got her?
Sal-Lee: Yep.
Kareena: Sheena!
Sheena: Aah!
Kareena: Gotcha!
Constantine: They seem ready for anything.
Leo: I'm ready for dinner.
Sheena: What took you so long?
Barbie: Phew. Glad that's over.
Sal-Lee: Heh. What makes you think it's over?
Barbie: Wait, what?
Sal-Lee: Yes.
Barbie: Sal-Lee!
Sal-Lee: Whoa!
Barbie: (hums then yells)
Sal-Lee: (grunting)
Artemis: Sal-Lee wins the race.
Leo: (grunts)
Sheena and Kareena: Whoa, are you all right?
Barbie: Don't worry, guys, I'm okay.
Sal-Lee: (sighs) Barbie, uh... I, um... That was some good riding out there.
Barbie: Thanks, almost as good as you, right?
Sal-Lee: Almost.
Barbie: Oh, hey, Pupcorn.
Sal-Lee: The king was pretty tough on us today.
Barbie: Huh? Oh, hey. Yeah, I guess so.
Sal-Lee: About what happened during the training?
Barbie: What was that?
Sal-Lee: I wanted to say... thank you. Anyway, your buddy's getting whiskers.
Barbie: Wait, what? Pupcorn?
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Oh, wow, he is. You sound funny. Don't worry, I love you no matter what you look or sound like.
Pupcorn: (sneezes and pops)
Barbie: Pupcorn?
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: What in the galaxy? You popped! I didn't think you could get any cuter, but you might be the cutest cat I've ever seen! You're growing up. Ha, ha. Let's go show off your transformation. Pupcorn? What's wrong?
Pupcorn: (whines)
Barbie: Huh. Looks like you traded in flying for whiskers and a tail.
Pupcorn: (whines)
Barbie: Pupcorn, you'll hurt yourself! Ooh!
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Oh. Don't worry. We'll get you flying again.
Purple-haired sprite: So then he said "This is not how we dance."
Pink-haired sprite: Oh, no way. Did he really say that?
Barbie: Hmm. Hey, do you guys have a minute?
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Pupcorn, wait!
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Ha, ha, ha. Hey, Pupcorn! (laughs) Pupcorn, wait-- King Constantine, sir.
Artemis: I have found a small, furry creature. Does it belong to you, Barbie of Para-Den?
Barbie: Yes. Thank you.
Artemis: Sire?
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Shh.
Constantine: Barbie. You should be in your room, keeping to the schedule.
Barbie: I'm heading back there now. I was only building a machine to help my cat fly and--
Constantine: Oh, you're right. That's more important than being in bed so you don't sleep through saving the galaxy.
Barbie: I--
Constantine: No excuses. You see, there are rules, and when you don't follow rules, things don't go according to plan, and when things don't go according to plan, we fail! Now, straight to your quarters. I don't want to have this conversation with you again.
Pupcorn: (meows)
Sheena or Kareena: Galactically...
Sheena and Kareena: Awesome!
Leo: Yeah. But did anyone see the fridge?
Constantine: I'm sending you on one final test. There is no room for error. Artemis.
Artemis: You will be travelling to a planet in the more desolate reaches of our galaxy. Here you will be searching for a creature called a starlian.
Barbie: A starlian? They used to come to my planet.
Constantine: You'll be capturing a starlian and bringing it back to me.
Barbie: What? Why?
Artemis: A starlian creature--
Constantine: Never mind that! my reasons are not for you to know right now. Just proceed.
Barbie: Do you think the king wants the starlian for his zoo?
Sal-Lee: Who knows?
Leo: Yes. I can't wait to get this ship up into space. (sniffs) Ah. That new-ship smell. Can't beat it.
Sal-Lee: Don't worry. Leo might fly right past the planet. Okay, everyone, systems check. Navigation?
Kareena: Navigation online and operational.
Sal-Lee: Set a course for starlian space.
Kareena: Ugh. I hate when she does that.
Sal-Lee: Communications?
Sheena: Online and operational.
Sal-Lee: Leo. You ready to pilot this thing?
Leo: Affirmative. We are good to go.
Sal-Lee: Barbie, engines?
Barbie: All engines and boosters charged and ready.
Sal-Lee: No pressure, Flyboy, but all eyes are on you.
Barbie: Okay, Leo. Make us proud.
Leo: I got this. Let's see what this baby can do.
Sheena or Kareena: When Artemis said desolate...
Sheena and Kareena: He meant desolate.
Leo: I know. Good thing we brought our own snacks.
Barbie: Do you ever think about anything but food?
Leo: I think about sleeping, so I can dream about eating.
Sheena and Kareena: (laughing)
Sal-Lee: Let's just catch the starlian. We don't have much time.
Leo: Does she ever stop to take a breath.
Sal-Lee: This is the last known location of the starlian. We'll have to come up with something to lure it into the trap.
Sheena and Kareena: Oh, I know. We could use Leo as bait. Come here, Leo.
Leo: Whoa, whoa. Uh, hey, look over there.
Sheena and Kareena: Huh?
Leo: (laughing)
Sheena and Kareena: Hey! (laughing) Leo come here.
Leo: Oh, ha, ha. (gasps)
Sheena and Kareena: Gotcha!
Leo: (groans) Please don't need me to the starlian, if we ever find it.
(Sheena, Kareena and Leo yell)
Starlian: (yells then groans)
Barbie: Huh? I wonder...
Leo: Should I go be bait now?
Barbie: Remember what I said about feeling the beat?
Leo: Uh...
Barbie: Just follow my lead.
Starlian: (growls)
Barbie: Yeah! Ha ha. No, wait!
Leo: We got him!
Sheena and Kareena: Yeah! We did it!
Barbie: This isn't right. (hums)
Sheena and Kareena: You let it go?
Barbie: I had to.
Sal-Lee: I just hope you know what you're doing.
Barbie: Me too.
Constantine: I told you to capture the creature.
Barbie: And we did. As a team.
Constantine: I see. And did you deliberately let him go "as a team"?
Barbie: No. That was only me.
Constantine: And why would you go against my orders?
Barbie: A starlian cannot survive in a zoo.
Constantine: Ah. I see. You assumed he was going to be placed in my zoo.
Barbie: Um, yes. I mean, why else would you want one?
Constantine: You're sure you know everything, don't you, Barbie? I needed a starlian to guide us to the centre of the galaxy. They're the only creature who can protect us from the magnetic storms.
Barbie: But why didn't you say that? I wouldn't have done what I did if you had just explained--
Constantine: Explain? I am the king. I don't have to explain anything. And here's a question for you: Without a starlian, who's going to get us safely to the centre of the galaxy?
Barbie: I don't know.
Constantine: You're released from this mission.
Sal-Lee: What?
Sheena: No!
Barbie: But-
Constantine: Dismissed. You're dismissed for the evening.
Leo: Sire. With all due respect, you can't cut Barbie. She's what makes us a team.
Sheena: Yeah!
Kareena: We need her.
Constantine: You might, but I don't. Dismissed.
Pupcorn: (meows)
Barbie: Oh, Pupcorn. I ruined the mission. I felt like I did the right thing, but I put my friends in danger. I put the whole galaxy in danger. Pupcorn... I know, Pupcorn. I wish we could stay too. But now I just don't know what to do. My mom's locket. Mom would have said to listen to my heart. To listen. That's it. I can fix it. Pupcorn. I know what to do. (hums)
Constantine: We could go around the magnetic storms and float in under a shield of some sort.
Artemis: Attempted and failed 102 years ago.
Constantine: What about setting the ship off auto-pilot and guiding it ourselves with the ancient star maps?
Artemis: Also attempted and failed 57 years ago. That's when the starlian creatures were first tested.
Constantine: But we don't have a starlian creature. We have to think of something else.
Artemis: Intergalactic gold medallist, Sal--
Constantine: Yes, yes, I can see that. I'm very busy, what is it?
Sal-Lee: You need to reinstate Barbie. I know she doesn't follow the rules perfectly, but her instincts are right.
Constantine: Why are you defending her? You're a champion. She's not your equal.
Sal-Lee: No. She's not. She's better. Barbie's a leader. She has a heart.
Constantine: You...
Artemis: Barbie of Para-Den.
Barbie: I want to apologise for putting the mission at risk. I realised I made a mistake. i assumed and I put us all in danger, but I'm not apologising for doing what I felt was right. It was wrong to try and force the starlian to help us when all we really had to do was ask.
Constantine: "Ask?" It's a wild animal. You don't simply walk up and ask.
Barbie: Try telling him that.
Sal-Lee: See, you have to let her back.
Constantine: I will not be told what to do. I am the king.
Barbie: Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
Constantine: I have reconsidered my position. You are reinstated in the team.
Barbie: I am?
Sal-Lee: Yes! One more thing. Barbie is team leader now.
Constantine: Yes, yes. Fine. Now, out of my sight.
Sal-Lee: We have to go tell the team that you're back. Nice pink streak, by the way.
Barbie: It's back.
Leo: It just hasn't been the same without you, Barbie.
Sheena and Kareena: We're go glad you're back.
Barbie: Thanks, guys. So, tomorrow's the big day.
Sheena: Is anyone else...
Kareena: A little...
Sheena and Kareena: Terrified?
Leo: I didn't want to be the one to say anything, but yeah. No pressure, right?
Sal-Lee: It's like the night before I placed gold at the Solar Games.
Leo: Don't tell me, you flew really fast to warm up for winning.
Sal-Lee: No. I was awake all night, I was so scared of failing, but I didn't have anyone to tell.
Barbie: You do now.
Leo: I found a guitar and I'm playing for my friends, but I think Barbie would be better. Will you play us a song?
'Sal-Lee: Yeah. Ha, ha.
Kareena: Yeah!
Sheena: All right, that would be great.
Barbie: When I was a little girl, my mom used to sing this song to me when I was scared. I kept it in this locket. When I'm down, feeling scared
I know I should take a chance
The world is sitting right here
In the palm of my hand
I'm flying higher than before
Giving up is not a choice
Push the doubt aside
And step into the spotlight
La la, la la la
La la, la la la
La la, la la, la, oh
Barbie & Leo: I can be anything I dream
Live the life that's made for me
I'll light up the whole world
I'll be shining bright
Barbie, Leo, Sal-Lee: Anything is possible
When I look into my heart
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
I'm a shooting star
Barbie, Leo, Sal-Lee, Sheena and Kareena: I can be anything I dream
Live the life that's made for me
I'll light up the whole world
I'll be shining so bright
Anything is possible
When I look into my heart
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
I'm a shooting star
We are, we are, we are
Shooting stars (laughs)
Constantine: Lock on to the starlian and set a course for the central planet.
Kareena: Activating...
Sheena and Kareena: Velocity Impact Shield.
Kareena: The starlian will be protected when we hit...
Sheena and Kareena: Light speed.
Sal-Lee: All engines and thrusters ready to engage.
Leo: Activating warp drive.
Barbie: Punch it, Leo.
Leo: All systems stable, we'll be at the central planet in no time.
Constantine: I'm so close. The people must know I saved the galaxy.
Artemis: Yes, sire.
Leo: I hope this works.
Barbie: Pupcorn. How did you get here?
Pupcorn: (meows and purrs)
Sal-Lee: I wasn't about to let Pupcorn miss all the fun.
Sheena: Barbie. We're almost at our destination.
Barbie: All right, everyone, let's stand by for arrival.
Sheena: Optimizing shields for deceleration.
Leo: Dropping engine speed.
Barbie: Don't panic. The starlian knows what to do.
Sal-Lee: He's protecting us from all that... stuff.
Leo: We'd be toast without him.
Constantine: We're here. The central planet.
Barbie: I was expecting something more...
Kareena: Impressive?
Sheena: Attractive?
Barbie: Yeah.
Constantine: Enough gawking. Take us in.
Barbie: You ready for this?
Leo: Oh, I'm always ready. Here we go. We need to find a place to land. We're gonna have to walk the rest of the way.
Sal-Lee: So, what's our next move, Your Majesty?
Constantine: It's almost time, Stat-o-Tron.
Sal-Lee: Sire?
Constantine: Oh.
Sal-Lee: The plan?
Constantine: Ahem, yes. First we must travel past our most dangerous obstacle. The orb fields.
Barbie: Wow.
Leo: Whoa. Looks lie bubble gum. Ow! Feels like electricity.
Barbie: Are you all right.
Leo: Uh-huh. Don't touch the pink ones.
Barbie: Ready, everyone?
Sheena: Of course...
Kareena: We are.
Barbie: Good, let's go, just like we practised.
Leo: Uh, so I just wait here? Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this? Whoa! Ah! Whoa!
Barbie: The path is clearing.
Constantine: Oh! Ha.
Sal-Lee: What's happening?
Barbie: It started a chain reaction.
Constantine: Oh!
Barbie: Don't worry, we got you.
Leo: Higher, Pupcorn, higher!
Barbie: We're almost through.
Leo: Whoa!
Sheena and Kareena: It's a dead end.
Constantine: Spread out and look, there should be a doorway.
Barbie: Doorway, doorway...
Leo: Hey, this looks like a button. Should I push it?
Barbie: Doorway, no...
Leo: I'm gonna push it.
Constantine: Button? No! Wait!
Leo: Uh... Whoa!
Barbie: Huh? Pupcorn? We're floating.
Leo: Okay, everyone, don't panic. Okay, maybe start panicking.
Sheena and Kareena: Hey, you're upside down. No, you're upside down.
Barbie: There's no gravity in here. Can you use your powers to take us down closer to the centre of the planet?
Sheena and Kareena: We sure can!
Constantine: Unh! What are you waiting for? Get on with it.
Sal-Lee: Whoa.
Leo: It's...
Sal-Lee: Stunning.
Barbie: I've never seen anything like it.
Constantine: We're here, the heart of the galaxy. We haven't much time. Keep moving.
Barbie: Sire, don't you think we should look around a little first?
Constantine: Your job is done here, Barbie. Now step aside while I save the galaxy.
Sheena and Kareena: It does work.
Constantine: I don't understand. It's only getting worse. It needs more power.
Barbie: Do you hear it?
Barbie's Mother: (hums)
Barbie: It's a song. (hums)
Sheena and Kareena: Whoa. Can you believe it?
Constantine: It's so... so...
Barbie: And to think all we had to do was look up and dance.
Sal-Lee: Not bad for a girl from the edge of the galaxy.
Leo: The magnetic storms have cleared now.
Barbie: It's so beautiful now.
Constantine: It really is beautiful. What you did back there was erratic, irresponsible and dangerous. I've warned you that acting without a plan could lead to disaster. However, you did ensure that the galaxy has a future. For that you have my thanks. You and I are very different, Barbie. But that might not be all bad.
Sal-Lee: Everything good?
Barbie: Better. Let's head back to the castle.
Sal-Lee: I can't believe you're late for your own party.
Barbie: You didn't have to wait for me.
Sal-Lee: They're cheering for you.
Barbie: They're cheering for us. Pupcorn, you're not supposed to be here. Dad. I'm so glad you're here.
Barbie's Dad: I'm so proud of you, starlight. Excuse me, "Princess Starlight."
Barbie: Yeah, I'm not ready for that. I don't know why the king declared that I'm now a princess.
Constantine: May I speak to Princess Starlight for a moment?
Barbie: Or that.
Barbie's Dad: Catch you later, Your Majesty.
Constantine: Princess. Ahem. It would be a great honor if you would stay on Oppa-Irri. The people of the galaxy would love to see you here.
Barbie: I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I question things, I still act before I think.
Constantine: Yes. Well, no one is perfect. But please do consider my offer. There are many things I could learn from you.
Barbie: Okay. Wanna dance?
Constantine: What? I never dance.
Barbie: Ha, ha. Come on. It's easy. Even Leo can do it.
Leo: Me?
Barbie: You just gotta feel the beat.
(robot starts playing "Let Your Hair Down")
Get up!
(Hoo, hoo, hoo)
Nobody's sitting down right
Now, oh yeah (oh yeah)
Ain't nothing wrong
With a little bit of love, yeah (love, yeah)
Now, oh yeah (oh yeah)
Who says that we can't
Have a little bit of fun, yeah
Oh, come on, now
Now hey, hey
Hey, hey
Tell me, what's your excuse now
Narrator: And thanks to Barbie, who was the one after all, everyone lived happily ever after.
(Firefly plays over the closing credits)
I found color in the black and white
Broke a prism and I held the light
I was searching for myself
I looked everywhere else
I had to turn inside
I'm a firefly
We can glow tonight
So let's paint the sky
Find the color, color
In the black and white
I chose hope in the dead of night
A tiny fire made me come alive
I was searching for myself
I looked everywhere else
I had to turn inside
(Instrumental Break)
I'm a firefly
We can glow tonight
So let's paint the sky
Find the color, color
In the black and white
Find the color, color
In the black and white