Archibald III, also known as Archie, is a character in Barbie & Her Sisters in A Puppy Chase. He is voiced by Mark Oliver. Archibald is a poodle who works as a show dog, and he is owned by Vivian and Marco.
Barbie and her sisters come to an island so their youngest sister, Chelsea, can compete in a dance competition. They are accompanied by their puppies, Taffy, DJ, Rookie and Honey. They all go to watch the Dancing Horse Festival, where the sisters let the puppies go off to play. The puppies go into Archibald's trailer, which is attached to Vivian and Marco's car. Archibald finds the puppies and tells them to quieten down.
Archibald introduces himself and tells them that he's a champion show dog. He reveals that he was Best in Show four times running, but sadly his brothers have left and become pageant dogs. Vivian and Marco's horses, Beauty, Spirit and Silver enter their section of the trailer after the dancing horse show. Rookie asks Archibald if he dances too, but Archibald says he leaves that to the horses. Rookie nicknames Archibald "Archie".
Vivian and Marco start up their engine and the puppies realize they're being driven away from Barbie and her sisters. The sisters are unable to catch up before Vivian and Marco leave. The puppies start to worry, but Archibald reassures them that the sisters are probably trying to find them. He tells the puppies that they're welcome in his trailer, and says they can have treats. At night, he tells them to go to sleep and not wake him up, but Honey wakes him up by yelling "good night" to the horses. They camp at White Sands Campground.
In the morning, Rookie steals some of Archibald's breakfast. Barbie and her sisters find the puppies and Archibald sadly tells Beauty that the puppies will be going now. Vivian and Marco drive Barbie and her sisters towards Chelsea's dance competition, and the horses help the girls when the road is too damaged to drive on. At the competition, Barbie's sisters and puppies join in while Chelsea performs. The puppies ask Archibald to join in too, but he's reluctant because he's never won a Best in Dance ribbon.
Archibald is encouraged by the puppies to dance with them, so he joins in and has fun dancing with everyone. The puppies call his dance move "the Archie." Archibald wonders why he hasn't made dancing part of his repertoire. Chelsea wins, and she includes Archibald when she thanks everyone who helped her by calling him an "amazing poodle who dances kind of weird." Archibald turns Chelsea's dance music back on, and he dances some more with everyone.
Physical Appearance[]
Archibald is a male poodle. He has green eyes and a black nose. Archibald's hair is white, and it is most voluminous on his head, chest, ankles and the tip of his tail. Archibald says he wishes his tail was "naturally poofy." He has a stylist named Ricardo.
Archibald is kind and caring to the puppies. He lets them call him Archie, and reassures them when they get separated from their owners, and gets them dog treats. Archibald says he is "an absolute bear" if he doesn't get 14 hours of sleep. He wears cucumber slices on his eyes when he sleeps. At the competition, he doesn't want to dance because he's never won an award for it, but the puppies tell him that anyone can dance. Archibald joins in and has so much fun that he's surprised he doesn't dance as part of his show dog act.
- (To the noisy puppies) "Darlings, darlings, please! All that racket is making my fur ache!"
- "Not Archie, my little dumpling. It's Archibald III."
- "Oh, I wish my tail was naturally poofy."
- "It seems as though I have acquired a pack of pupkins."
- "Me, dance? No, no. I leave that to the magnificent equines."
- "Now, no frowns, dear pups You'll wrinkle your fur."
- "You can stay here. My trailer is your trailer."
- "Good night, my little pupkins. Sleep tight, and don't wake me until morning. Why, I am an absolute bear without 14 hours of beauty sleep!"
- (Sleep talking) "Another blue ribbon? Oh, I'm not worthy. Oh, fiddledeedee, what am I saying? Of course I am."
- (During breakfast) "Oh, I don't think I could possibly eat another bite... Oh, who am I kidding?"
- (While dancing) "Let's do the Archie! Woohoo! Genius! Why, listen to the applause. How have I never made dancing part of my repertoire? This is amazing."
Barbie & Her Sisters in A Puppy Chase |
Media: Barbie & Her Sisters in A Puppy Chase Characters: Barbie | Skipper | Stacie | Chelsea | Archibald | Beauty | Spirit | Silver | Taffy | DJ | Rookie | Honey | Vivian | Marco | Lindsay | Hannah | Anna | Savannah | Dancers | Tiffany Locations: Island | Car Rental Company | Banyan Tree Park | White Sands Campground | Village Events: Dancing Horse Festival | Dance Competition Transportation: Golf Cart | Trailer | Camper Songs: "Let Your Hair Down" | "Live in the Moment" Other: Transcript | Credits | Bloopers |