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"A Dreamhouse Puppy Tale" is the fourth episode of the second season of the animated series Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures. It was released on Netflix on September 13, 2018.[1]

Official Description[]

"Instead of reading a book at bedtime, Chelsea tells her family a story about their puppies' secret -- and surprisingly dangerous -- lives."[2]


Margaret is too busy to read Chelsea a bedtime story, so Barbie does it instead. Honey joins them. Chelsea says Honey has a lot on her mind, such as protecting the Roberts. Blissa makes a skeptical face when she hears this. Stacie asks if Barbie or Chelsea has seen Rookie's squeaky toy, but they haven't. Chelsea tells Barbie and Stacie that a few nights before, when the puppies protected them while the Roberts were asleep. In Chelsea's story, DJ interrupts Honey and Rookie while they're playing to tell them that something is wrong with a squeaky alligator toy. Rookie says he has never trusted the alligator, and wants to maul it. Honey says that violence never solves anything.

DJ and the puppies have a top secret meeting to discuss the alligator. They scan their paws to go through a secret dog-flap behind a bookcase. Taffy has trouble because she scans the wrong paw. DJ suspects that the alligator is collecting things to make a secret weapon to use against the Roberts. Rookie reiterates that he has never trusted the alligator ever since Stacie brought it home. In a flashback, Rookie and DJ barked at the alligator when they first saw it, and Taffy got scared and ran over to Barbie. Rookie jumped on the alligator but got scared when it squeaked. Honey wondered if the alligator wanted to be friends, but she got scared when the alligator winked at her. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Chelsea tells Barbie and Stacie that Honey never trusted the alligator from that moment. Chelsea says the puppies' are the Puppy House Protection League (PHPL). Margaret asks what happened to the batteries in the house's robot vacuum. Barbie and Stacie shush her because they want to hear Chelsea's story. George asks what happened to the last popsicle. Chelsea goes back to the puppy tale. DJ has labelled a map with where items have gone missing for the alligator's secret weapon. One of the items was George's electric screwdriver. Taffy says the alligator couldn't have gotten everything by itself, and DJ explains that it was helped by the vacuum. Rookie, Taffy and Honey think the vacuum is evil. They remember when Margaret spilled popcorn and they ate some, but the vacuum came and cleaned it up before they could finish. They were scared even though Margaret said the vacuum is harmless.

DJ thinks the vacuum has been spying on them and wants to attack them. The puppies go investigate the vacuum. Rookie thinks the vacuum wants to take over the house. DJ wonders if the vacuum has figured out a way to control the Dreamhouse, since everything is electronic. Stacie asks Margaret, who is now also listening to Chelsea's story, if that's possible. Margaret says it's possible in Chelsea's imagination. Blissa smiles. In the story, the vacuum turns itself on and tells the alligator that the puppies are onto them. The vacuum activates the refrigerator so it can eat a popsicle. The alligator uses the popsicle stick as a sword. The puppies run away. Margaret says the girls have to go to bed, but Barbie, Stacie and Blissa want to hear Chelsea's story.

The vacuum chases the puppies while the alligator tries to attack DJ. The vacuum shoots popcorn at the puppies. Taffy tells the other puppies to come upstairs, since the vacuum and alligator can't climb stairs. The vacuum turns the stairs into a slide. The puppies want close the Roberts' bedroom doors using a shoehorn. Once the girls are safe, the vacuum gets upstairs with the alligator. The puppies head to the secret hideout, but it has been blocked off. Rookie picks up some paper and the puppies go to their backup secret hideout. Skipper asks if anyone has seen her scrunchies, and George asks if anyone has borrowed his electric screwdriver and modelling clay.

The puppies' backup secret hideout is outside on the top floor patio. DJ wants to attack the vacuum and alligator if they go near the girls. Honey wants to try talking to the vacuum and alligator. Rookie says the paper he found has a drawing of a slingshot on it. Taffy says the slingshot looks like it's made of modelling clay and scrunchies. Taffy sniffs out the slingshots. Honey can't believe anyone would want to hurt the girls. DJ says it's a tough world, so puppies have to be on guard at all times. The puppies find the slingshot. It is bolted to the patio deck and pointed towards the pacific ocean. Another piece of paper reveals that the vacuum and alligator want to slingshot the puppies into the sea.

The vacuum and alligator attack the puppies on the patio. The puppies end up on the diving board of the patio's pool. Honey says they should never have skipped swimming lessons to take reading lessons instead. In Chelsea's room, the whole Roberts family is listening to her story. Blissa tries to get Skipper's attention. Skipper asks where Blissa's kitten toy Mew-Mew is, but she gets shushed. In the story, Mew-Mew saves the puppies. The puppies run over to the slingshot. The vacuum tries to hypnotize Mew-Mew, but she is hypnoallergenic.

Rookie unbolts the slingshot from the patio. Taffy attacks the alligator when it approaches them. Honey and Rookie throw the slingshot off the patio. The slingshot gets broken when it lands on the floor. Mew-Mew wards off the vacuum and then uses string to make a lasso to tie up the alligator. Mew-Mew moves the alligator on top of the vacuum, so it turns off. Mew-Mew throws a pool ring around the alligator. The puppies cheer and thank Mew-Mew. Mew-Mew leaves and the vacuum turns back on. The alligator and vacuum start to break free.

Honey scatters marbles on the floor to clog up the vacuum. They manage to launch the vacuum into the air so that it lands upside-down, and then they remove the batteries. Taffy kicks a marble at the alligator. The alligator gets hit so hard that his squeaker flies out of his mouth. The puppies unblock their secret hideout. They think Margaret and George will blame Barbie for everything that went missing because she's the only person who isn't missing something. Honey says they should borrow something personal of Barbie's, like a photo, and then make something out of all the things that got borrowed or broken. DJ says the thing they make has to disguise what happened so the Roberts will never know the danger they were in.

Chelsea reveals that the "puppies" made a sculpture of the Roberts sisters and Margaret, because "they" know how much Margaret wants to go on vacation in Hawaii next year. Chelsea says the puppies will "pretend" that Chelsea made it. Her family can tell that Chelsea made it. George asks why he isn't in the sculpture, but it's because "they" couldn't find a small enough photo of him. The Roberts go to bed and Chelsea says goodnight to Honey. Honey nods at the other puppies and they run off.

Featuring the Voices Of[]

Other characters include Blissa and the Alligator.


  • Honey says the puppies skipped swimming lessons to take puppy literacy classes. This is a reference to the episode "Trey Is for Horses", where Chelsea wanted to start a Malibu Puppy Literacy Foundation to teach puppies how to read. However, in the movie Barbie & Her Sisters in A Puppy Chase, it is shown that the puppies' mother Tiffany taught them to swim. The continuity error could be because the episode is just a story that Chelsea tells her family.
  • Mew-Mew says she can't be hypnotized because she is "hypnoallergenic." This is a pun on "hypoallergenic", which means that something causes less allergic reactions.

